Youth Scholarship Program
The Youth Scholarship Program deadline is
September 15th of each year.
The Iowa Honey Producers Association is proud to promote the wonders of beekeeping to the next generation of beekeepers. Through the IHPA Youth Scholarship Program, youth ages 13 to 16 (by September 15th of the current year) can apply for the opportunity to learn beekeeping from a local mentor. This is a great hands on experience. Young students will learn the skills needed to maintain their very own beehive! The beekeeping mentor will teach and guide participants in working with a live beehive which will be their's to keep upon successful completion of the program.
Selection Criteria
Youth must be the ages of 13 to 16 by November 1st of the current year.
Applicant must be currently enrolled in public, private, or home school.
Applicant must complete and return all paperwork, including permission and agreement form signed by parent or guardian.
The application with supporting documents, as well as the waiver/binder form must be submitted to the Youth Scholarship Coordinator no later than September 15th of the current year.
All applicants must be new to beekeeping, if immediate family members are beekeepers you will not be eligible to apply.
Selection Process
After all applications have been received, a selected committee will carefully consider each and select finalists.
Finalists will be contacted by phone on or before October 10. At this time, finalists will schedule a phone/zoom interview with the IHPA Youth Scholarship Committee.
Interviews will take place by the middle/end of October.
The Youth Beekeeping Scholarship Program Scholars will be announced during the IHPA Annual Meeting. At this time, they will have the opportunity to meet the scholarship recipients of the previous year.
For more details and requirements, contact Stephanie Meyers (Youth Scholarship Coordinator) at sonshinefarmsia@gmail.com or click on the link below.
Hive Components

All students (if selected) will receive...
Standard bottom board w/entrance reducer
2-Hive bodies w/frames and foundation
2-Medium Supers w/frames and foundation
Telescoping cover w/inner cover
Division board feeder
Hive tool
Smoker w/shield
Bee brush
Hooded jacket/veil
Pair of leather gloves
Appropriate nails for construction of hive bodies, as some assembly will be required. The exception to this is if the hive was donated to the program. In which case the hive may already be assembled and/or painted.
Free classes and a mentor for a year!

What your hive kit will look like finished
Mentoring Program
Mentoring--What is it? What does it mean to be a mentor? The dictionary describes it as "An experienced and trusted adviser", or "An experienced person in a company or educational institution who trains and counsels new employees or student". I personally believe it goes beyond that. In the summer of 2016 I mentored three students, well three that went through our Youth Scholarship Program. Then there are those from classes that I helped teach, and even some that went through another class that asked if I would mentor them. You see, I love beekeeping so much that I want to help as many that are willing to learn. I help with installing packages, finding eggs, stages of brood, setting up hives, catch swarms, and even a few cut-outs here and there, but the list goes on and on. When someone asks for advise you be there for them, you don't tell them to read some more or take another class. Mentoring to me will always be something I enjoy and if you don't enjoy what you do, don't do it. Every year our program grows more and more, which means it's up to us to help keep this program great and for those that have a few years of beekeeping to pass on our knowledge to that one or two students that need us. When I go through all those applications in October for students that want to go through our program, I need to find mentors as well. I know we have some great beekeepers out there across the state that are willing to help that student with one of the greatest experiences that can be passed on from one generation to another, so my question to you is , "Are you ready to mentor someone, be there for them when they are willing to ask you for help and pass on some of your great knowledge?" Please fill out the form below to be on our list of mentors to call upon when we have a student in your area, I will always call upon those who are truly willing to help others. Thank you!
Eric Kenoyer-District 5 director