Iowa State Fair
Aug. 10-20, 2023
Iowa Honey Producers Association
Iowa State Fair Honey Lemonade
1 (30 oz) carton Sunkist frozen lemon juice
25 oz of honey (approximately 3 cups)
Combine lemon juice & honey.
Add water to make 2 gallons.
Mix Well & Enjoy!
The Iowa State Fair is one of the biggest events for the Iowa Honey Producers Association. Located in the Agricultural Building is great tasting Iowa honey, beeswax candles, honeycomb, and a variety of other honeybee products, much of which is entered into the Fair's judged competition. Most of all, be sure to check out our Honey Lemonade stand - nothing better will quench your thirst on a hot August day.
There is also an extensive beekeeping display. What kind of beekeeping exhibit would be complete without some actual honeybees?
For all fair info please contact Heidi Love @ ihpasecretary@gmail.com