Iowa Honey Producers Association Membership
The Iowa Honey Producers Association represents the needs and the interests of the beekeeping industry.
Anyone interested in the beekeeping industry is entitled to a membership in this organization.
For the benefit of its members, the IHPA offers:
Honey industry promotion
Opportunities for networking with honey producers
Educational seminars
Field day
Annual conference and trade show
Financial support for honey bee research
The Buzz newsletter
Membership directory
Advocacy for the industry relating to legislative issues
Access to national beekeeping journals
Membership in the Iowa State Horticultural Society
Promotions at the Iowa State Fair
Beekeeping classes/educational opportunities
Youth scholarship/mentoring program
Iowa Honey Queen/Princess program
Works closely with the State Apiarist
Membership dues are $30 for an individual membership and $5 for a second family member living in your household.
Only one copy of The Buzz Newsletter is sent per address.